Anti Aging

Aging processes can affect us in different ways; they can damage both our body and our mind. Many doctors recommend eating a healthy and balanced diet to slow or prevent the aging process, as our body needs the nutrients provided by foods such as antioxidants, calcium and so on.
Nevertheless, as we age our bodies do not function the way they used to when we were younger, and even if we eat healthy and exercise, not all nutrients are absorbed and used to their maximum potential. As we age we are more prone to chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, and memory loss. Our bones become weaker and we often suffer from pain during everyday activities. Insomnia and stress are also commonly present.
PEMF for Anti Aging
So what can you do? Eat healthy, exercise, use your brain, and reduce your stress. PEMF therapy will help you gain the maximum out of the nutrients and vitamins you put inside your body by improving blood circulation, carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells and detoxifying your body.
PEMF has been proven to improve nerve regeneration and treat stress and insomnia. Electromagnetic Fields help protect cells against tissue damage and have been shown to improve visual memory, visuoconstructive performance, and short term memory in people with Alzheimer's disease, as well as provide protection from anoxia and heart disease. Chronic pain, osteoporosis, and arthritis can be prevented and treated successfully with PEMF, bone density will increase and cartilage quality will improve.
If you are interested in maintaining your health and preventing the aging process, the Curatron system is the right choice for you. Optimize your body's natural healing ability and feel young and rejuvenated!

Feel Young and Healthy with Curatron PEMF Therapy
I hope this e-mail catches you doing well. I am enjoying good health, still working, and play lots of tennis. I am convinced part of this is due to the Curatron which I use on a regular basis.
Since I started using the Curatron about five years ago I have undergone a quadruple bypass for blocked coronary arteries and have recently severely injured my hip playing tennis. I am happy to say I came through both of these trials without a scratch. I used the Curatron regularly after my heart surgery and never had any pain. I can barely see the scar on my chest. My hip is 100%, also, after extensive use of the Curatron. I don't believe I look or feel my age.
Again, I am happy I have this device and will continue to use it for my personal use.
William B. M.D.